Bit No. |
Flag Value |
Description |
Unit |
Status |
0 |
Specific humidity |
kg/kg |
Operational |
1 |
Relative humidity |
% |
Operational |
2 |
Humidity mixing ratio |
kg/kg |
Operational |
3 |
Precipitable water |
kg m-2 |
Operational |
4 |
Vapour pressure |
Pa |
Operational |
5 |
Saturation deficit |
Pa |
Operational |
6 |
Evaporation |
kg m-2 |
Operational |
7 |
Precipitation rate |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Deprecated |
8 |
Total precipitation |
kg m-2 |
Deprecated |
9 |
Large-scale precipitation (non-convective) |
kg m-2 |
Deprecated |
10 |
Convective precipitation |
kg m-2 |
Deprecated |
11 |
Snow depth |
m |
Operational |
12 |
Snowfall rate water equivalent |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Deprecated |
13 |
Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth |
kg m-2 |
Deprecated |
14 |
Convective snow |
kg m-2 |
Deprecated |
15 |
Large-scale snow |
kg m-2 |
Deprecated |
16 |
Snow melt |
kg m-2 |
Operational |
17 |
Snow age |
d |
Operational |
18 |
Absolute humidity |
kg m-3 |
Operational |
19 |
Precipitation type |
Code/Flag Table 4.201 |
Operational |
20 |
Integrated liquid water |
kg m-2 |
Operational |
21 |
Condensate |
kg/kg |
Operational |
22 |
Cloud mixing ratio |
kg/kg |
Operational |
23 |
Ice water mixing ratio |
kg/kg |
Operational |
24 |
Rain mixing ratio |
kg/kg |
Operational |
25 |
Snow mixing ratio |
kg/kg |
Operational |
26 |
Horizontal moisture convergence |
kg kg-1 s-1 |
Operational |
27 |
Maximum relative humidity |
% |
Deprecated |
28 |
Maximum absolute humidity |
kg m-3 |
Deprecated |
29 |
Total snowfall |
m |
Deprecated |
30 |
Precipitable water category |
Code/Flag Table 4.202 |
Operational |
31 |
Hail |
m |
Operational |
32 |
Graupel (snow pellets) |
kg/kg |
Operational |
33 |
Categorical rain |
Code/Flag Table 4.222 |
Operational |
34 |
Categorical freezing rain |
Code/Flag Table 4.222 |
Operational |
35 |
Categorical ice pellets |
Code/Flag Table 4.222 |
Operational |
36 |
Categorical snow |
Code/Flag Table 4.222 |
Operational |
37 |
Convective precipitation rate |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
38 |
Horizontal moisture divergence |
kg kg-1 s-1 |
Operational |
39 |
Per cent frozen precipitation |
% |
Operational |
40 |
Potential evaporation |
kg m-2 |
Operational |
41 |
Potential evaporation rate |
W m-2 |
Operational |
42 |
Snow cover |
% |
Operational |
43 |
Rain fraction of total cloud water |
Proportion |
Operational |
44 |
Rime factor |
Numeric |
Operational |
45 |
Total column integrated rain |
kg m-2 |
Operational |
47 |
Large scale water precipitation (non-convective) |
kg m-2 |
Deprecated |
48 |
Convective water precipitation |
kg m-2 |
Deprecated |
49 |
Total water precipitation |
kg m-2 |
Deprecated |
50 |
Total snow precipitation |
kg m-2 |
Deprecated |
51 |
Total column water (Vertically integrated total water (vapour + cloud water/ice)) |
kg m-2 |
Operational |
52 |
Total precipitation rate |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
53 |
Total snowfall rate water equivalent |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
54 |
Large scale precipitation rate |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
55 |
Convective snowfall rate water equivalent |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
56 |
Large scale snowfall rate water equivalent |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
57 |
Total snowfall rate |
m/s |
Operational |
58 |
Convective snowfall rate |
m/s |
Operational |
59 |
Large scale snowfall rate |
m/s |
Operational |
60 |
Snow depth water equivalent |
kg m-2 |
Operational |
61 |
Snow density |
kg m-3 |
Operational |
62 |
Snow evaporation |
kg m-2 |
Operational |
63 |
Reserved |
Operational |
64 |
Total column integrated water vapour |
kg m-2 |
Operational |
65 |
Rain precipitation rate |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
66 |
Snow precipitation rate |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
67 |
Freezing rain precipitation rate |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
68 |
Ice pellets precipitation rate |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
69 |
Total column integrated cloud water |
kg m-2 |
Operational |
70 |
Total column integrated cloud ice |
kg m-2 |
Operational |
71 |
Hail mixing ratio |
kg/kg |
Operational |
72 |
Total column integrated hail |
kg m-2 |
Operational |
73 |
Hail precipitation rate |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
74 |
Total column integrated graupel |
kg m-2 |
Operational |
75 |
Graupel (snow pellets) precipitation rate |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
76 |
Convective rain rate |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
77 |
Large scale rain rate |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
78 |
Total column integrated water (all components including precipitation) |
kg m-2 |
Operational |
79 |
Evaporation rate |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
80 |
Total condensate |
kg/kg |
Operational |
81 |
Total column-integrated condensate |
kg m-2 |
Operational |
82 |
Cloud ice mixing-ratio |
kg/kg |
Operational |
83 |
Specific cloud liquid water content |
kg/kg |
Operational |
84 |
Specific cloud ice water content |
kg/kg |
Operational |
85 |
Specific rainwater content |
kg/kg |
Operational |
86 |
Specific snow water content |
kg/kg |
Operational |
87 |
Stratiform precipitation rate |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
88 |
Categorical convective precipitation |
Code/Flag Table 4.222 |
Operational |
89 |
Reserved |
Operational |
90 |
Total kinematic moisture flux |
kg kg-1 m s-1 |
Operational |
91 |
u-component (zonal) kinematic moisture flux |
kg kg-1 m s-1 |
Operational |
92 |
v-component (meridional) kinematic moisture flux |
kg kg-1 m s-1 |
Operational |
93 |
Relative humidity with respect to water |
% |
Operational |
94 |
Relative humidity with respect to ice |
% |
Operational |
95 |
Freezing or frozen precipitation rate |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
96 |
Mass density of rain |
kg m-3 |
Operational |
97 |
Mass density of snow |
kg m-3 |
Operational |
98 |
Mass density of graupel |
kg m-3 |
Operational |
99 |
Mass density of hail |
kg m-3 |
Operational |
100 |
Specific number concentration of rain |
kg-1 |
Operational |
101 |
Specific number concentration of snow |
kg-1 |
Operational |
102 |
Specific number concentration of graupel |
kg-1 |
Operational |
103 |
Specific number concentration of hail |
kg-1 |
Operational |
104 |
Number density of rain |
m-3 |
Operational |
105 |
Number density of snow |
m-3 |
Operational |
106 |
Number density of graupel |
m-3 |
Operational |
107 |
Number density of hail |
m-3 |
Operational |
108 |
Specific humidity tendency due to parameterization |
kg kg-1 s-1 |
Operational |
109 |
Mass density of liquid water coating on hail expressed as mass of liquid water per unit volume of air |
kg m-3 |
Operational |
110 |
Specific mass of liquid water coating on hail expressed as mass of liquid water per unit mass of moist air |
kg kg-1 |
Operational |
111 |
Mass mixing ratio of liquid water coating on hail expressed as mass of liquid water per unit mass of dry air |
kg kg-1 |
Operational |
112 |
Mass density of liquid water coating on graupel expressed as mass of liquid water per unit volume of air |
kg m-3 |
Operational |
113 |
Specific mass of liquid water coating on graupel expressed as mass of liquid water per unit mass of moist air |
kg kg-1 |
Operational |
114 |
Mass mixing ratio of liquid water coating on graupel expressed as mass of liquid water per unit mass of dry air |
kg kg-1 |
Operational |
115 |
Mass density of liquid water coating on snow expressed as mass of liquid water per unit volume of air |
kg m-3 |
Operational |
116 |
Specific mass of liquid water coating on snow expressed as mass of liquid water per unit mass of moist air |
kg kg-1 |
Operational |
117 |
Mass mixing ratio of liquid water coating on snow expressed as mass of liquid water per unit mass of dry air |
kg kg-1 |
Operational |
118 |
Unbalanced component of specific humidity |
kg kg-1 |
Operational |
119 |
Unbalanced component of specific cloud liquid water content |
kg kg-1 |
Operational |
120 |
Unbalanced component of specific cloud ice water content |
kg kg-1 |
Operational |
121 |
Fraction of snow cover |
Proportion |
Operational |
122 |
Precipitation intensity index |
Code/Flag Table 4.247 |
Operational |
123 |
Dominant precipitation type |
Code/Flag Table 4.201 |
Operational |
124 |
Presence of showers |
Code/Flag Table 4.222 |
Operational |
125 |
Presence of blowing snow |
Code/Flag Table 4.222 |
Operational |
126 |
Presence of blizzard |
Code/Flag Table 4.222 |
Operational |
127 |
Ice pellets (non-water equivalent) precipitation rate |
m/s |
Operational |
128 |
Total solid precipitation rate |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
129 |
Effective radius of cloud water |
m |
Operational |
130 |
Effective radius of rain |
m |
Operational |
131 |
Effective radius of cloud ice |
m |
Operational |
132 |
Effective radius of snow |
m |
Operational |
133 |
Effective radius of graupel |
m |
Operational |
134 |
Effective radius of hail |
m |
Operational |
135 |
Effective radius of subgrid liquid clouds |
m |
Operational |
136 |
Effective radius of subgrid ice clouds |
m |
Operational |
137 |
Effective aspect ratio of rain |
- |
Operational |
138 |
Effective aspect ratio of cloud ice |
- |
Operational |
139 |
Effective aspect ratio of snow |
- |
Operational |
140 |
Effective aspect ratio of graupel |
- |
Operational |
141 |
Effective aspect ratio of hail |
- |
Operational |
142 |
Effective aspect ratio of subgrid ice clouds |
- |
Operational |
143 |
Potential evaporation rate |
kg m–2 s–1 |
Operational |
144 |
Specific rain water content (convective) |
kg kg-1 |
Operational |
145 |
Specific snow water content (convective) |
kg kg-1 |
Operational |
146 |
Cloud ice precipitation rate |
kg m-2 s-1 |
Operational |
147-191 |
Reserved |
Operational |
192-254 |
Reserved for local use |
Operational |
255 |
Missing |
Operational |