4.201 |
Code table 4.201 - Precipitation type
Bit No. |
Flag Value |
Description |
Unit |
Status |
0 |
Reserved |
Operational |
1 |
Rain |
Operational |
2 |
Thunderstorm |
Operational |
3 |
Freezing rain |
Operational |
4 |
Mixed/ice |
Operational |
5 |
Snow |
Operational |
6 |
Wet snow |
Operational |
7 |
Mixture of rain and snow |
Operational |
8 |
Ice pellets |
Operational |
9 |
Graupel |
Operational |
10 |
Hail |
Operational |
11 |
Drizzle |
Operational |
12 |
Freezing drizzle |
Operational |
13-191 |
Reserved |
Operational |
192-254 |
Reserved for local use |
Operational |
255 |
Missing |
Operational |