Octet Number |
Description |
Note |
Status |
12-15 |
Reference value (R) (IEEE 32-bit floating-point value) |
Operational |
16-17 |
Binary scale factor (E) |
Operational |
18-19 |
Decimal scale factor (D) |
Operational |
20 |
Number of bits used for each packed value (field width) |
Operational |
21 |
Bi-Fourier sub-truncation type |
Code/Flag Table 5.25 |
Operational |
22 |
Packing mode for axes |
Code/Flag Table 5.26 |
Operational |
23-26 |
P - Laplacian scaling factor (expressed in 10-6 units) |
Operational |
27-28 |
NS - bi-Fourier resolution parameter of the unpacked subset |
(see Note 1) |
Operational |
29-30 |
MS - bi-Fourier resolution parameter of the unpacked subset |
(see Note 1) |
Operational |
31-34 |
TS - total number of values in the unpacked subset |
(see Note 1) |
Operational |
35 |
Precision of the unpacked subset |
Code/Flag Table 5.7 |
Operational |