Id | Values |
311013 |
(Uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS))
Expanded elements
301150 - WIGOS identifier
001008 - Aircraft registration number or other identification
001095 - Observer identification
301011 - Year, month, day
301013 - Hour, minute, second
301021 - Latitude/longitude (high accuracy)
001013 - Speed of motion of moving observing platform
008009 - Detailed phase of flight
007010 - Flight level
033003 - Quality information
011001 - Wind direction
011002 - Wind speed
012101 - Temperature/air temperature
002170 - Aircraft humidity sensor
201144 - Change data width
202133 - Change scale
013002 - Mixing ratio
202000 - Change scale
201000 - Change data width
201135 - Change data width
202130 - Change scale
013003 - Relative humidity
202000 - Change scale
201000 - Change data width
011073 - Turbulent kinetic energy
011075 - Mean turbulence intensity (eddy dissipation rate)