Id | Values |
310094 |
(Metop-SG Infrared Atmospheric Sounder Interferometer - New Generation (IASI-NG), level 2 nitric acid total column, nitric acid profile (NAC) and level 2 ozone total column, ozone profile (O3)
Expanded elements
310092 - IASI NG L2 common information part
008046 - Atmospheric chemical or physical constituent type
015021 - Integrated mass density
040056 - General retrieval quality flag
040058 - Number of vectors describing the characterization matrices
040059 - Number of layers actually retrieved
040060 - Number of profiles retrieved in scanline
040057 - IASI level 2 retrieval flags
103041 - Replicate 3 descriptor 41 times
040061 - Air partial columns on each retrieved layer
040062 - A-priori partial columns for each retrieved layer
040063 - Scaling vector multiplying the a priori vector in order to define the retrieved vector
102021 - Replicate 2 descriptor 21 times
101041 - Replicate 1 descriptor 41 times
040065 - Main eigenvectors of the sensitivity matrix