Id | Values |
309055 |
(Template for the representation of high resolution radiosonde data with geopotential height as the vertical coordinate)
Expanded elements
301111 - Identification of launch site and instrumentation for P, T, U and wind measurements
025061 - Software identification and version number
001081 - Radiosonde serial number
001082 - Radiosonde ascension number
002067 - Radiosonde operating frequency
002095 - Type of pressure sensor
002096 - Type of temperature sensor
002097 - Type of humidity sensor
002081 - Type of balloon
002082 - Weight of balloon
002084 - Type of gas used in balloon
002191 - Geopotential height calculation
301113 - Date/time of launch
301114 - Horizontal and vertical coordinates of launch site
010004 - Pressure
302032 - Temperature and humidity data
007032 - Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
002002 - Type of instrumentation for wind measurement
011001 - Wind direction
011002 - Wind speed
007032 - Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)
020003 - Present weather
302049 - Cloud information reported with vertical soundings
022043 - Sea/water temperature
101000 - Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
031002 - Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
303055 - Temperature, dewpoint, relative humidity and wind data at a height level with radiosonde position