Id | Values |
315013 |
(Sequence for reporting trajectory profile data from marine animal tags)
Expanded elements
301150 - WIGOS identifier
001087 - WMO marine observing platform extended identifier
208032 - Change width of CCITT IA5
001019 - Ship or mobile land station identifier
208000 - Change width of CCITT IA5
003001 - Surface station type
022067 - Instrument type for water temperature and/or salinity measurement
001051 - Platform transmitter ID number
002148 - Data collection and/or location system
112000 - Delayed replication of 12 descriptors
031001 - Delayed descriptor replication factor
008021 - Time significance
301011 - Year, month, day
301012 - Hour, minute
301021 - Latitude/longitude (high accuracy)
001012 - Direction of motion of moving observing platform
001014 - Platform drift speed (high precision)
033022 - Quality of buoy satellite transmission
033023 - Quality buoy location
033027 - Location quality class (range of radius of 66% confidence)
007063 - Depth below sea/water surface
022045 - Sea/water temperature
008021 - Time significance
107000 - Delayed replication of 7 descriptors
031001 - Delayed descriptor replication factor
301011 - Year, month, day
301012 - Hour, minute
301021 - Latitude/longitude (high accuracy)
001079 - Unique identifier for the profile
001023 - Observation sequence number
022056 - Direction of profile
306035 - Temperature and salinity profile