Id | Values |
309070 |
(Vertical profile for numerical weather prediction data)
Expanded elements
001035 - Originating centre
001032 - Generating application
001015 - Station or site name
001063 - ICAO location indicator
301001 - WMO block and station numbers
301011 - Year, month, day
301012 - Hour, minute
301021 - Latitude/longitude (high accuracy)
207001 - Increase scale, reference value and data width
010001 - Height of land surface
207000 - Increase scale, reference value and data width
008086 - Vertical significance for NWP
007030 - Height of station ground above mean sea level
025031 - NWP-generated vertical profile thinning method
008021 - Time significance
004014 - Time increment
010004 - Pressure
010051 - Pressure reduced to mean sea level
010009 - Geopotential height
020010 - Cloud cover (total)
013095 - Total column water vapour
128000 - Delayed replication of 28 descriptors
031002 - Extended delayed descriptor replication factor
113000 - Delayed replication of 13 descriptors
031000 - Short delayed descriptor replication factor
008086 - Vertical significance for NWP
007004 - Pressure
011001 - Wind direction
011002 - Wind speed
012101 - Temperature/air temperature
012102 - Wet-bulb temperature
012103 - Dewpoint temperature
010009 - Geopotential height
103000 - Delayed replication of 3 descriptors
031000 - Short delayed descriptor replication factor
011021 - Relative vorticity
011022 - Divergence
011005 - w-component
104000 - Delayed replication of 4 descriptors
031000 - Short delayed descriptor replication factor
008086 - Vertical significance for NWP
007006 - Height above station
011001 - Wind direction
011002 - Wind speed
105000 - Delayed replication of 5 descriptors
031000 - Short delayed descriptor replication factor
008086 - Vertical significance for NWP
007006 - Height above station
012101 - Temperature/air temperature
012102 - Wet-bulb temperature
012103 - Dewpoint temperature