Id | Values |
312053 |
(Ocean wave spectra)
Expanded elements
001007 - Satellite identifier
002019 - Satellite instruments
001096 - Station acquisition
025061 - Software identification and version number
005040 - Orbit number
008075 - Ascending/descending orbit qualifier
301011 - Year, month, day
301013 - Hour, minute, second
301021 - Latitude/longitude (high accuracy)
001012 - Direction of motion of moving observing platform
201131 - Change data width
001013 - Speed of motion of moving observing platform
201000 - Change data width
010032 - Satellite distance to Earth's centre
010033 - Altitude (platform to ellipsoid)
010034 - Earth's radius
007002 - Height or altitude
008012 - Land/sea qualifier
025110 - Image processing summary
025111 - Number of input data gaps
025102 - Number of missing lines excluding data gaps
002104 - Antenna polarization
025103 - Number of directional bins
025104 - Number of wavelength bins
025105 - First directional bin
025106 - Directional bin step
025107 - First wavelength bin
025108 - Last wavelength bin
011001 - Wind direction
011002 - Wind speed
022160 - Normalized inverse wave age
025138 - Average signal-to-noise ratio
201130 - Change data width
202129 - Change scale
022021 - Height of waves
202000 - Change scale
201000 - Change data width
033048 - Confidence measure of SAR inversion
033049 - Confidence measure of wind retrieval
002026 - Cross-track resolution
002027 - Along-track resolution
021130 - Spectrum total energy
021131 - Spectrum max energy
021132 - Direction of spectrum max on higher resolution grid
021133 - Wavelength of spectrum max on higher resolution grid
025014 - Azimuth clutter cut-off
106036 - Replicate 6 descriptors 36 times
005030 - Direction (spectral)
104024 - Replicate 4 descriptors 24 times
201130 - Change data width
006030 - Wave number (spectral)
201000 - Change data width
022161 - Wave spectra
033044 - ASAR quality information