Id | Values |
312052 |
(RA2 - radar altimeter-2)
Expanded elements
001007 - Satellite identifier
002019 - Satellite instruments
001096 - Station acquisition
025061 - Software identification and version number
005040 - Orbit number
025120 - RA2-L2-processing flag
025121 - RA2-L2-processing quality
025124 - MWR-L2-processing flag
025125 - MWR-L2-processing quality
025122 - Hardware configuration for RF
025123 - Hardware configuration for HPA
301011 - Year, month, day
301013 - Hour, minute, second
301021 - Latitude/longitude (high accuracy)
007002 - Height or altitude
002119 - RA-2 instrument operations
033047 - Measurement confidence data
010081 - Altitude of COG above reference ellipsoid
010082 - Instantaneous altitude rate
010083 - Squared off nadir angle of the satellite from platform data
010084 - Squared off nadir angle of the satellite from waveform data
002116 - Percentage of 320 MHz band processed
002117 - Percentage of 80 MHz band processed
002118 - Percentage of 20 MHz band processed
002156 - Percentage of valid Ku ocean retracker measurements
002157 - Percentage of valid S ocean retracker measurements
014055 - Solar activity index
022150 - Number of 18 Hz valid points for Ku band
022151 - Ku band ocean range
022152 - STD of 18 Hz Ku band ocean range
022153 - Number of 18 Hz valid points for S band
022154 - S band ocean range
022155 - STD of 18 Hz S band ocean range
022156 - Ku band significant wave height
022157 - STD of 18 Hz Ku band ocean range
022158 - S band significant wave height
022159 - STD of 18 Hz S band significant wave height
021137 - Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient
021138 - STD Ku band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient
021139 - Ku band net instrumental correction for AGC
021140 - S band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient
021141 - STD S band corrected ocean backscatter coefficient
021142 - S band net instrumental correction for AGC
010085 - Mean sea-surface height
010086 - Geoid's height
010087 - Ocean depth/land elevation
010088 - Total geocentric ocean tide height (solution 1)
010089 - Total geocentric ocean tide height (solution 2)
010090 - Long period tide height
010091 - Tidal loading height
010092 - Solid Earth tide height
010093 - Geocentric pole tide height
011002 - Wind speed
025126 - Model dry tropospheric correction
025127 - Inverted barometer correction
025128 - Model wet tropospheric correction
025129 - MWR derived wet tropospheric correction
025130 - RA2 ionospheric correction on Ku band
025131 - Ionospheric correction from Doris on Ku band
025132 - Ionospheric correction from model on Ku band
025133 - Sea state bias correction on Ku band
025134 - RA2 ionospheric correction on S band
025135 - Ionospheric correction from Doris on S band
025136 - Ionospheric correction from model on S band
025137 - Sea state bias correction on S band
013096 - MWR water vapour content
013097 - MWR liquid water content
011095 - u-component of the model wind vector
011096 - v-component of the model wind vector
012188 - Interpolated 23.8 GHz brightness T from MWR
012189 - Interpolated 36.5 GHz brightness T from MWR
002158 - RA-2 instrument
002159 - MWR instrument
033052 - S band ocean retracking quality
033053 - Ku band ocean retracking quality
021143 - Ku band rain attenuation
021144 - Altimeter rain flag