Id | Values |
302050 |
<no name>
Expanded elements
008041 - Data significance
005021 - Bearing or azimuth
007005 - Height increment
202130 - <no name>
006021 - Distance
202000 - <no name>
008041 - Data significance
201131 - <no name>
202129 - <no name>
002115 - Type of surface observing equipment
010004 - Pressure
002115 - Type of surface observing equipment
013003 - Relative humidity
202000 - <no name>
201000 - <no name>
002115 - Type of surface observing equipment
011001 - Wind direction
011002 - Wind speed
002115 - Type of surface observing equipment
102002 - <no name>
012101 - Temperature/air temperature
004024 - Time period or displacement
002115 - Type of surface observing equipment
012103 - Dew-point temperature
012102 - Wet-bulb temperature
101003 - <no name>
020012 - Cloud type
020011 - Cloud amount
020013 - Height of base of cloud
101002 - <no name>
020003 - Present weather