Id | Values |
340001 |
<no name>
Expanded elements
001007 - Satellite identifier
001031 - Identification of originating/generating centre
002019 - Satellite instruments
002020 - Satellite classification
004001 - Year
004002 - Month
004003 - Day
004004 - Hour
004005 - Minute
202131 - <no name>
201138 - <no name>
004006 - Second
201000 - <no name>
202000 - <no name>
005001 - Latitude (high accuracy)
006001 - Longitude (high accuracy)
007024 - Satellite zenith angle
005021 - Bearing or azimuth
007025 - Solar zenith angle
005022 - Solar azimuth
005043 - Field of view number
005040 - Orbit number
201133 - <no name>
005041 - Scan line number
201000 - <no name>
201132 - <no name>
025070 - Major frame count
201000 - <no name>
202126 - <no name>
007001 - Height of station
202000 - <no name>
033060 - GqisFlagQual - individual IASI-System quality flag
033061 - GqisQualIndex - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from spectral and radiometric calibration)
033062 - GqisQualIndexLoc - indicator for geometric quality index
033063 - GqisQualIndexRad - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from radiometric calibration)
033064 - GqisQualIndexSpect - indicator for instrument noise performance (contributions from spectral calibration)
033065 - GqisSysTecSondQual - output of system TEC (Technical Expertise Centre) quality function
101010 - <no name>
340002 - <no name>
101087 - <no name>
340003 - <no name>
002019 - Satellite instruments
025051 - AVHRR channel combination
101007 - <no name>
340004 - <no name>